Award Management
Illinois State University is an institution of higher education that receives sponsored project funding from federal and state agencies, institutions of higher education, as well as private corporations, organizations, and industry.
The award management division of Research and Sponsored Programs ensures that OMB uniform guidelines are followed and assists principal investigators in the administration of their sponsored project awards.
Accepting an Award
Once you've received an award offer, there are a few steps that need to be taken before accepting the award.
Managing Your Award
OMB Uniform Guidance
As a recipient of sponsored project funding, ISU is required to maintain compliance with the U.S. Office of Management and Budget uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, State and University rules and regulations, as well as sponsor policies and award terms and conditions.
Administrative Functions
Award management is responsible for the following administrative functions:
- Interpret and counsel faculty and departmental administrators on federal, state, and University rules and regulations, sponsor policies and award terms and conditions
- Official liaison with funding agencies; compile and submit financial reports and invoices, process budget revision requests, award close out and audit oversight
- Manage accounts receivable process
- Ensure subawardee adherence to awarded budget and compliance with prime sponsor's terms and conditions; review and submit subawardee invoices to PI for approval and processing
- Perform pre- and post-audit of expenditures to verify allowability/allocability, review and approve cost transfers and invoice vouchers
- Provide guidance on allowable and unallowable expenditures