Research Forms
Award Management
Intellectual Property
Export Control
Financial Conflicts of Interest
Responsible Conduct of Research
Human Subjects
Submitting a Protocol
Collaborative Research
Informed Consent (Adults)
- Informed Consent Template-Anonymous
- Informed Consent Template-Confidential
- Sample Informed Consent Form - Anonymous without Incentives
- Sample Photo Release
- Incentive Language for Consent Forms
Permission and Assent
- Assent Script for Children Under 8
- Assent Template for Children 8 and Older
- LAR Permission Template - Anonymous
- LAR Permission Template - Confidential
- Parent Permission Template - Anonymous
- Parent Permission Template - Confidential
Confidentiality Agreement
Payments to Participants
Vertebrate Animals
- IACUC Adverse Event Form
- IACUC Incident Report Form - Farm
- IACUC Verification of Canine Behavior Program: Unsupervised Student Animal Training
- IACUC Verification of Supervised Student Training
- IACUC Notice of Intent to Use Vertebrate Embryos
- Delegation of Authority Log
- Working with Animals Training Certification