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Policy and Regulations

View policy and regulations that may pertain to the research you are conducting.

Standard Operating Procedures

ISU IACUC Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) provide basic information regarding institutional oversight, responsibilities of researchers, protocol review, training, occupational health and safety, and many other topics. IACUC SOPs are only accessible to ISU researchers and IACUC members in Microsoft Teams.

Please contact the Office of Research Ethics and Compliance for assistance if you are having problems accessing them.

Federal and State Regulations and Agencies

Multiple federal, state, and local laws pertain to animal use. Of these, the Animal Welfare Act and the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals form the foundation of all other guidance, regulations, and policies. Also relevant are federal and state laws as those pertaining to free ranging wildlife, Veterinary Licensing, Controlled Substance Handling and Radiation Use.


In addition to the regulations, the following guidelines are available:

Professional Development Organizations

View organizations that provide additional information on animal care and use: