Training Agricultural Animal Users
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) has developed a customized training program for individuals working with agricultural animals. This training is presented online for PIs, staff, and students working unsupervised with agricultural animals. For students working completely in a supervised setting, the course instructor has the option of requiring an online course or conducting an in-class training session via PowerPoint.
Completed IACUC required courses are valid for five years, after which individuals must retake the course to meet training requirements. IACUC may require additional training prior to the expiration of the current training.
PIs Working with Agricultural Animals
The IACUC required training for PI’s working with agricultural animals can be accessed through this link: Agricultural PI Training
Once all module components and quizzes have been completed, the PI should print/save a copy of their completion certificate showing completion of the course for their records. This will also need to be upload into Cayuse IACUC for verification of training completion.
Agriculture Staff and Unsupervised Students
Staff and Students Working Unsupervised with Agricultural Animals can access the required IACUC training through this link: Agriculture Staff and Unsupervised Students Training
Once all module components and quizzes have been completed, the user should print/save a copy of their completion certificate showing completion of the course. Verification of student training will need to be uploaded to Cayuse IACUC via the PI. The farm manager will need to keep records of the staff training. It is still the PI’s and Manager’s responsibility to ensure that all students/employees have passed the required course prior to handling any animals at ISU.
Supervised Students Working with Agricultural Animals
For students who will only be working with animals under the direct supervision of the course instructor (PI) or approved personnel, the course instructor must choose either to present the IACUC approved in-class PowerPoint presentation or require online training for their students. This must be consistent within each protocol. It is the PI/course instructor’s responsibility to ensure that all students have completed training prior to handling any animals at ISU.
Students must check with their course instructor to determine which of the following options will be required for the course:
IACUC approved PowerPoint Presentation Option
The PowerPoint is shown in class and discussed in its entirety by the course instructor. The course instructor documents training via the form entitled, “Verification of IACUC Supervised Student Animal User Training” which requires the signature of each student completing the training. If a student is absent from the initial training session a make-up session using the same PowerPoint presentation must be completed and documented accordingly.
Online Training
Students who will only be working with animals under the direct supervision of the course instructor (PI) or approved personnel can access the online training here: Agriculture Supervised Student Training
Course instructors should require students to turn in a printout of their completion certificate to the course instructor to verify that students have completed the training.
While supervised students do not have to be added to the course instructor’s protocol, each instructor is responsible for maintaining all records of training and will be asked to present them to the IACUC for review at any time.