Application Process
The applications for the FY25 cohort are now closed.
Letter of Intent Outline
Letters of intent will be used to assess interest in the ARCS program and begin to align potential reviewers and programming needs. They are to be written for an informed, interested, non-expert audience. Please limit the LOI to 2 single-spaced pages, 1-inch margins, and 12-point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font.
Your LOI should include:
- List of investigators indicating principal investigator/project lead (and their contact information)
- Tentative Project Name
- Track I or II
- Up to five keywords/short phrases that describe the project
- Brief synopsis of problem/issue
- Team’s potential scope of work to address problem/issue
- Intended outcomes
- Intended budget request amount and its use
Full Proposal Outline
Proposals are to be written for an informed, interested, non-expert audience. Please use single spacing, 1 inch margins, and 12 pt Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font. Note that page restrictions will be followed strictly during proposal review.
- Cover page that includes Project Name, Track I or II, principal investigator/project lead with contact information, co-principal investigators with contact information).
- An ~250 word abstract summarizing the problem, the project, its novelty, and its main goals, written for a general audience (no more than 1 page).
- Project Description (no more than 2 pages).
- Scope of work including expected outcomes and timeline, including major milestones for the project (no more than 3 pages).
- References, if necessary (no more than 1 page).
- Figures/tables/graphs, if necessary (no more than 1 page).
- Description of potential for future work and future external funding, including an ~250 word summary that addresses the seed nature of the ARCS project. Identify specific external funding sources by program name and funding source that are appropriate for continuing the work initiated under this award. Include URL(s) for proposed funding source(s), if available. (no more than 1 page).
- Team biographies (no more than one-half page per team member), including current and pending support and each team members’ roles on the project, given their expertise. Clearly specify the role each team member plays on the project, including the expected role of any students. If the team does not include five (5) full-time ISU faculty and staff, please include a supplemental one page plan of how the team intends to grow to address the interdisciplinary criterion and meet the demands of the project.
- Team management plan (no more than 1 page).
- If applicable, please include a brief summary of the results from the prior Track II ARCS funding. (no more than 1 page).
- Budget (no more than 1 page, use attached template).
- Budget justification (no more than 2 pages).
- Letter(s) of support from Chair(s)/Director(s)/Supervisor(s) for any team member for whom a buyout of time and effort is requested. (no more than 1 page per letter).
ARCS Budget Template
Category |
Year 1 Request |
Year 2 Request* |
Total |
A. Personnel |
B. Fringe Benefits |
C. Course Buyout** |
D. Travel |
E. Equipment |
F. Supplies |
G. Other (Specify) |
H. Total |
Provide a written summary of the budget:
- Personnel:
- Fringe Benefits:
- Course Buyout**:
- Travel:
- Equipment:
- Supplies:
- Other (Must be specific):
- Total: A maximum of $100,000 per year and $200,000 total for Track I. A maximum of $7,500 in Year 1 for Track II.
*If applicable, i.e. Track I only.
**Buyout for the lead PI may be requested without budgeting, but must be justified in the proposal. Any additional investigator buyout should be justified in the proposal narrative and budgeted in consultation with the appropriate Chair/Director/Supervisor to determine the appropriate cost.
Review Process
An administrative team at Illinois State University will initially screen all applications for eligibility compliance. The AVPRGS will constitute an external review panel to review eligible applications for rigor and potential to accomplish program objectives, including feasibility for receiving external funding. Review criteria include but are not limited to:
- Clear demonstration of interdisciplinary team membership and, where appropriate/necessary, a clear strategy to recruit additional members to the team;
- Demonstrate that the team reflects and advances the University's core value of equity, diversity, access, and belonging;
- Demonstrate evidence of ability to leverage funds to secure external funding;
- Show a solid and successful record of prior accomplishments in terms of publications or creative activities (as appropriate to the discipline or area), measurable output, and ability to deliver on research outcomes successfully;
- Demonstrate clear and feasible plans for long-term sustainability beyond the funding period including specifying future viable external grant programs and funders;
- Show potential for innovation and ability to substantially elevate the national prestige and visibility of their research areas at Illinois State;
- Evidence of intentional and thoughtful leadership, team management, and sustainability plan.